Do you want to make a complaint?

We have set up a complaints procedure to help policyholders settle any disputes. 

Complaints procedure

Our aim is to meet our customers’ expectations as fully as possible. We do our utmost to provide them with a quality service and ensure that their needs and requirements are our top priorities. 

However, it is possible that you might be dissatisfied with the quality of the service we have provided. 

If this is the case, it is important for you to let us know. This will allow us to investigate and resolve the matter as quickly as possible, but it will also help us to improve the quality of the service we provide in the future. 


The complaints procedures described below relate exclusively to the two AG2R La Mondiale Epargne Patrimoniale insurance companies, namely La Mondiale Partenaire and La Mondiale Europartner. 

If your complaint concerns La Mondiale Partenaire, please go to the following dedicated page: Do you want to make a complaint? ( 

If your complaint concerns La Mondiale Europartner, please go to the following dedicated page:  

Important information for Portuguese customers

There are specific complaints procedures for Portuguese customers.