Our commitments

Backed by a social protection Group with a unique model, at AG2R LA MONDIALE Epargne patrimoniale we put Socially Responsible Investment at the heart of everything we do. 

Investing responsibly

Responsible investment is also a key driver of sustainable development and financial performance over the medium term. 

A responsible investment approach means integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria (non-financial aspects) into investment decision-making and portfolio management. It complements traditional financial analysis. 

An investment approach designed to achieve AG2R LA MONDIALE’s sustainable development goals

At AG2R LA MONDIALE, the history of sustainable investment stretches back more than twenty years with its management company AG2R LA MONDIALE Gestion d’Actifs developing its first SRI fund in 2000. 

Ever since, AG2R LA MONDIALE has continued to roll out its responsible investment policy to include all of its assets. This was formalised in 2016 with the adoption of a responsible investment charter covering the entire Group. AG2R LA MONDIALE manages its full portfolio of financial and real estate assets in compliance with the Global Compact, the six Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) to which we signed up in 2018, and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Our policy is also based on strong shareholder engagement, which takes the form of regular dialogue with issuers and regular voting at the general meetings of the companies in which we are a shareholder. 

" Committed for more than 20 years to socially responsible investment, AG2R LA MONDIALE has become a leading light and recognised player in this area. "

Carl Guevel

Deputy Director

The regulation SFDR on the publication of sustainability information in the financial services sector is effective from 10 March 2021 and provides for harmonisation of the communication of sustainable development data and the sustainability risks within financial products. It also introduces a classification of financial products. Our life insurance and capitalisation products, our euro-denominated products and our growth product, are classified “article 8”. An additional appendix has been drafted for each product marketed and is available in the file: SFDR Addendum