
Claims procedure for La Mondiale Europartner

Stage 1. Your complaint must be made in writing. La Mondiale Europartner will acknowledge receipt within ten (10) working days of receipt and respond to you within thirty (30) working days. The complaint will be recorded in our complaints management database.  It will be examined in detail by the relevant department.  Your complaint should be sent to: 

– Your usual advisor: they are your insurance intermediary and are qualified to respond to your complaint, particularly if it relates to the commercial approach or advice given, doing so in compliance with their procedure for handling complaints; 

- La Mondiale Europartner, particularly if your complaint relates to a management practice or one of the terms in your contractual documents. By e-mail: or by post: La Mondiale Europartner, Atrium Business Park, 23 Rue du puits Romain, 8070 Bertrange, Luxembourg 

To call La Mondiale Europartner from Spain: +34 900 108 699 

Stage 2. The person responsible for handling your complaint will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible and within thirty (30) working days at the latest. We will provide you with a detailed response based on our investigations, as well as our conclusions. It is possible that you might still be dissatisfied, and if this is the case, we would encourage you to contact us again. 

It is also possible that investigating your complaint will take longer than we initially anticipated. If this is the case, we will contact you at the end of the 30 days to give you an estimated date for our response. 

Stage 3. If a disagreement remains after the response given by La Mondiale Europartner S.A., you may, without waiving other legal remedies, appeal against our findings as follows: 

French law contracts 

Via the internet: Simply complete and send the online form (

By post: The form should be downloaded, completed and sent by post to ACA, c/o Médiateur en Assurance B.P 448 L-2014 Luxembourg (!!!! 

  • Médiateur de l’Assurance in France using the following methods: 

Via the internet:  

By post: La Médiation de l'Assurance, TSA 50110, 75441 Paris Cedex 09 
The mediation service may not be used if legal proceedings have already been initiated. Insurance mediation takes the form of an external and independent body. The mediation service is provided free of charge. 

Luxembourg law contracts: 

Via the internet: Simply complete and send the online form (

By post: The form should be downloaded, completed and sent by post to ACA, c/o Médiateur en Assurance B.P 448 L-2014 Luxembourg (

Belgian law contracts: 

Via the internet: Simply complete and send the online form (

By post: The form should be downloaded, completed and sent by post to ACA, c/o Médiateur en Assurance B.P 448 L-2014 Luxembourg (

  • Médiateur en Assurances, Belgium: 

Via the internet: Simply complete and send the online form ( or by e-mail 

By post: Ombudsman des Assurances, Square de Meeûs 35 - 1000 Bruxelles 


Italian law contracts: 

Via the internet: Simply complete and send the online form (

By post: The form should be downloaded, completed and sent by post to ACA, c/o Médiateur en Assurance B.P 448 L-2014 Luxembourg (

  • Istituto per la vigilanza sulle assicurazioni (IVASS) : 

Via the internet: Send your request in accordance with the instructions provided on the website, to 

By post: Send your request to the following address Via del Quirinale 21, 00187 Roma 

or directly to the competent foreign system requesting that the FIN-NET procedure be activated:  

Via the internet: Send your request in accordance with the instructions on the European Commission website 

  • Commissione nazionale per le società e la borsa (Consob) : 

Via the internet: Send your request in accordance with the instructions on the website   

By post: Send your request to the following address Via Giovanni Battista Martini n. 3, 00198 Roma 


UK contracts: 

Via the internet: Simply complete and send the online form (

By post: The form should be downloaded, completed and sent by post to ACA, c/o Médiateur en Assurance B.P 448 L-2014 Luxembourg (